Feature Stories

MMW Choirs Join Voices as Part of Clouds Choir for a Cause

On Friday, December 8, 50 seventh and eighth grade Honor Choir students from Minnetonka Middle School West gathered at the Mall of America to perform as part of the  11th Annual KS95 Clouds Choir for a Cause. 

The KS95 Clouds Choir is an event that Minnesota radio station KS95 has hosted for more than a decade, in partnership with Children’s Cancer Research Fund. Since 2013, thousands of people have gathered in the rotunda at the Mall of America in December to sing “Clouds,” remember Minnesotan teen Zach Sobiech and his legacy, and raise awareness and funds for kids fighting cancer, particularly osteosarcoma. This year, the event raised more than $1 million for children’s cancer research. 

It has become an annual tradition for MMW teacher Jena Menke’s choir classes to receive the prestigious invitation to be the only honored school to perform the song “Clouds” on the stage risers in front of more than 2,000 singers and choirs from all over Minnesota.

“Our students did an outstanding job representing MMW and Minnetonka Public Schools [as part of the performance],” shared Menke. “The KS95 DJs publicly thanked the choir and the Minnetonka Public Schools two separate times Friday night.” The program’s event coordinator further thanked Minnetonka students for their dedicated work to support the event, sharing that “students’ voices made a huge difference not only for the performance, but also in helping to fund research for new treatments, and eventually a cure for osteosarcoma. This was Zach's wish. [You] are helping to make that wish a reality!”

View a video of the performance on the KS95 website.

Great work, singers!

Girls smiling

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